Launch of Song of Sahel

Join us on September 15th on Facebook for the worldwide launch of Song of Sahel the Anthology of poetry fiction, music, art and photography. Featuring artists from around the world including the UK, US, Ireland, Spain, Sri Lanka, Germany, Canada, India and Australia, Song of Sahel hopes to raise awareness of the plight of the people living in the Sahel. Published by Plum Tree Books as a multi-media kindle and available on amazon, the proceeds of the sale will go to SOS Sahel an NGO working in the Sahel region of Africa.

Signup at

Listen to music composed specially for the event and hear live readings of some of the poems submitted. you could also listen to a special radio broadcast with Claudio Fiore and Niamh Clune. The event begins at 10am GMT and will continue around the clock until 10am the following day.

The radio event will be broadcast at 6pm GMT, 10am PDT, 12pm CDT and 1pm EDT.

4 thoughts on “Launch of Song of Sahel

  1. Nicely done Shirani…the exciting day is getting near! The bees in the hive are hard at work behind the scenes in preparation, especially the Queen Bee, Niamh Clune! You have been a wonderful supporter!


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