Step inside.

Make yourself at home.

This is a place for writers of all kinds, poets, storytellers, troubadours, editors and people involved in, or connected to writers in some way, like publishers, graphic artists, book designers and any others, to talk about their passion, share their views of the world and let us in on a moment in their lives.

There are thousands of writers out there and millions of books published. But most of us barely hear about these writers or read their books. Why? Because they aren’t published by the big publishing houses and aren’t featured on the best seller lists anywhere nor have they won awards and been feted by the media. That doesn’t mean there are no good writers. I’ve read some wonderful books by writers published by small presses or who have self published.

I decided to promote self published writers and writers who have published in small presses. I’ve planned several features.

1. Interviews

Interviews are a great way of getting to know someone, especially a writer or artist we may admire, find out what s/he is like and what motivated her/him to create. Each month I will feature a different creative person from somewhere on Earth.

2. Reviews

The best gift you can give a writer is to write a review. Even a short one to let her/him know what you thought of their book. That is a lovely gesture. I love to read, but I’m a lazy reader so my reviews are going to be rather infrequent. I will post reviews of books I’ve read and liked.

3. Book Promos

So you published a book, got a few reviews, publicity etc. But sales have dwindled. Now what? It’s important to keep promoting your book, but it’s sometimes hard to find someone to do it for free. While some writers do get a lot of exposure,  most find it hard to get even their book noticed. I’m offering you the space to promote your book for free, so if you want some extra publicity for your book, check out the “Book Promo” page.

4. Book Launch

Traditional publishers usually do book launches for their writers. This involves publicity and reviews in the media. Most self published writers do have launches, but most times lack media coverage. I’d love to help with your launch. Here’s what I’m hoping to do.

a) a short interview about you and your book featured a week or 10 days prior to the release/launch date.

b) information about your book and yourself (similar to the posts for Book Promos) on the day of the release/launch.

I will also promote whatever I do on my social media pages.

Save the link to this site and drop in whenever you feel like. Also give me a shout out if you know a good writer you’d like to see interviewed or whose book you’d like to see reviewed here and I’ll add to my list, or I’ll invite you to do the honors.

You can also drop in for a chat on FB , follow me on twitter or connect with me on LinkedIn or Goodreads.

6 thoughts on “THE WRITER’S SPACE

    1. Hi Thomas, yes I will include writers who publish on their own websites and other places as long as they are indie authors. If you haven’t published through a traditional publishing house, or haven’t paid a publisher to publish your work, then I’d be happy to include you here.


    1. Hi Yvonne, I don’t review books very often because I take a long time to read. I also don’t accept books for review but go in search of them, and only review what I like. I’ve already got three books to read and review and I don’t want to accept anymore at the moment, at least until I finish those three. But let me see if I can find someone who might be interested. Could you please send me some details about the book, title, genre, a blurb and a link to the book.

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